Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Cherish The National Independence

It does not matter that we celebrate our country's Independence Day, year after year, the feeling is same every time. There is an unexplained exhilaration as the Indian National Flag is hoisted and the Indian National Anthem is sung. The feeling is electric and euphoric to watch children and adults, most attired in white, with tiny flags stuck on their dresses or children carrying and waving mini national flags. The air is filled with a feeling of national pride and communal fellowship.

As we drive along the roads and streets, it has become a common sight of late to see youngsters on their motorcycles, waving flags, honking or revving up their machines, as they speed along. It is a very exciting sight to behold. I don't think anyone should have any complaint, as long as they don't resort to dangerous stunts or become nuisance to others. It is good to see them having a good time, enjoying the national day.

There are some skeptics who question why the day is given so much importance or why the day has to be celebrated the way it is celebrated. The answer is "why not"! After all, it is the independence of our great country, it is the day of redemption of our country from the tyranny of a marauding British Empire. Freedom did not come for free. It came at a great cost, through the continued fight of many men and women, who fought bravely, with tenacity, daring the mighty tyrant. Freedom came through the loss of lives of many brave men and women. So, it is only right that we remember and honor the valor, the patriotism and the sacrifice of the great Indian Freedom Fighters. We owe it to them, to honor them and celebrate the day when the shackles of slavery were broken.

Sadly, of late, a bunch of shameless parasites have reared their ugly heads, trying to hijack the glory of freedom fight by trying to discredit the true sons and daughters of the country who brought freedom to our country. They are using lies and deception to mislead gullible people into believing that some other persons were responsible for the freedom struggle, people who were not even remotely connected with the freedom struggle. These shameless people are trying to distort history and alter it to suit their vile agendas. 

Our country's democracy and our freedom and future of our children is in peril from a handful of tyrants who are using the same "divide and rule" strategy as used by the British Empire. They are fanning fires of hatred and mistrust among communities. We have to be vigilant against these merchants of deceit and deception. We should not forget at what price our country got its freedom. If we are not vigilant, if we falter and fail, we will again find ourselves under the yoke of bondage, losing our so cherished freedom. As simple as that!

We should never forget, "United We Stand & Divided We Fall!". We should always cherish our National Independence. Wishing every one a "Happy 72nd Independence Day"!

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