Thursday, July 16, 2020

Temporarily Closed for Prevention

Washington Post reported today that the state of Alabama, US, was in the grip of Coronavirus (Washington Post Report). Seventeen thousand positive cases were recorded in the last week. The streets, parks, amphitheater, movie theaters, almost every place looked deserted.

I usually go through the comments section of YouTube media reports and videos, just to know reactions of readers. Most often than not, you can find some incredible, interesting gems. Of course there are some lost, desperate souls who spew out their toxic narratives, innuendos and expletives. I simply ignore them.

One reader made a word play on the song "Sweet Home Alabama" by changing part of lyrics "I'm coming home" to "I ain't coming home"! I am sure he was just trying to be funny.

Another reader felt happy about the restrictions being followed by the state. Another lamented that even young kids were not being spared by the deadly virus. There was one grim observation that life will not be the same again because of Coronavirus. 

But what caught my attention in the news report was the notice posted by a movie theater. I have come across establishments usually posting "Closed for Renovation" notices. But this notice read "Temporarily Closed for Prevention".

The notice expressed two things. The word "Temporarily" expressed a positive attitude that "we shall be back soon", a hope that "we shall prevail, we shall win over the virus very soon". 

And the word "Prevention", most probably a word play on "Renovation", stressed the importance of taking every possible measure to keep oneself safe and prevent Coronavirus from spreading. It is quite heartening that the establishment, instead of lamenting about the losses that would be incurred due to closure of the movie house, gave importance to saving lives. Their priorities seemed to be in the right place. 

What is the use if you have gained money but lost your life!

Coronavirus has definitely turned our lives upside down, for good or bad. While there could be many positive outcomes, the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives is heartbreaking. Many families cannot even do proper "last rites" to their dead loved ones. All they could do is give a tearful, heart breaking farewell from a distance. The state agencies are disposing the bodies according to prescribed standards to prevent spread of the epidemic. It is quite heart rending to even read about these sad stories.

No one can say, for certain, for how long this deadly virus is going to ravage our lives. Every day brings in a new theory, a new finding, some scary, some positive and many in conflict with previous findings or theories.

But all through these gloomy times, there is a silver lining. It is not the first time that the world has faced a pandemic. Every time, the world fought and won the battle. That reality gives us the confidence that we too shall overcome these difficult times. It is just a matter of time before they found a definite cure. Until then, we have to be patient, careful, wiser and above all, be hopeful. 

After all, hope is what keeps the world turning.

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